Solve mold and mold steel problems is the core value of our pre-hardening factory

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Helping users solve mold and mold steel problems is the core value of our pre-hardening factory.

Although more than 4,000 companies have solved the difficult problems in mold material selection, production and use, the revolution has not yet succeeded and we need to continue our efforts.

Today’s topic is about what kind of steel is best for aluminum alloy die-casting molds?
This topic contains a lot of content, so I explained it from many aspects such as mold size, mold structure, mold life requirements, mold temperature, etc. It took nearly 40 minutes of explanation to explain this issue thoroughly. In fact, this has helped me improve myself. Also helps a lot.
Another takeaway from tonight’s live broadcast is that it summed up a good sentence;
The performance of mold steel is determined by the alloy composition;
The performance is determined by the smelting quality;
The realization of performance depends on the heat treatment process.

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